I love being single.
A friend of mine asked me three years ago what I fear the most. I feared being single, being left all alone. I used to think that being alone made me lonely, and it was the worst thing in the world. Being surrounded by the wrong people is much worse. After breaking up with Mister Grey I realized that I had been lonely in a relationship for quite a long time. Now that I was single, I felt a much deeper connection with loads of people. Some were old, some new. Some of them were rebound guys (especially Mister Black, now that I think of it), but most were just friends. Friends that I discovered after years of silence. That made me feel invincible.
I usually tell people that I've been single for 18 months now. It's not entirely a lie, since Mister Grey left me in January 2013. I don't count Mister Black as a boyfriend. He was just a huge black hole in my life, sucking all the energy out of me. I'm not saying that I was utterly unhappy with Mister Black, I wouldn't have stayed with him for 13 months if I hated him. He was a good friend, but a terrible, terrible boyfriend. The past few months have been the best time of my life, now that I'm rid of him.
Tinder has brought me a lot of fun. I don't use it much anymore, I get hit on almost every day without it. Yesterday, for example. I won't share any details, but I'll let you know that the guy was super cute. I wish I meet him again soon. If something happens, you'll be the first to know.
I receive dozens of funny messages every day. Most of them are pictures. Some of the funniest nude photos have been sent to me by random guys, sweet friends of mine. I just never saw them coming. There was this one Monday afternoon... I got nude photos from three separate guys, never asked for one. I almost had a car accident, when I checked my phone while driving (sorry, Mum). I also get a lot of videos, mostly from guys working out or doing something dirty, you don't want to know every detail. Most of my men are athletes, some of them work out for a living, so it's quite normal for them to share pictures or videos from work.
I love the fact that I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, with whomever I want. I don't consider myself the least bit slutty, since I'm really picky in my men.
Who said you could only have one lover at a time? My Mum for one, but I guess she's never experienced anything like this. I love being with my guys. But for some reason, not one of them has lit a wild spark in me. Before Mister Ink, that is. You'd think that I would develop a crush really easily, I thought so too, but I really don't. Nowadays I meet Mister Ink twice a week, a certain Mister (he's new) twice a week, and someone new once-twice a week. I have a date almost every day, and I love it.
I saw Mister Ink two days ago, and I'm slowly falling out of the semi-crush that I had earlier. Sounds weird, doesn't it? My theory is that I'm too occupied with other guys in my head. If I'd concentrate on one guy, I'd most likely fall for him. Who knows, I'm not going to try.
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